If you can afford to get out today or tomorrow on the Yellowstone, do it! The Caddis have started to go on lower portions of the river especially in and around Livingston. The problem are these hot days. The snow is starting to melt rapidly, especially when temps reach into the 70’s. The Lamar river is already above 1000 cfs which means we will most likely have muddy water by the weekend. Fishing has been most productive in the evening. Start out with your pupa and larva imitations. Good bugs are Morrish’s Super Pupa in olive and amber sz 14, Smith’s Translucent Pupa Oilve sz 14, BH King Prince sz 16, Olive Shop Vac sz 14. Followed by an adult Caddis or emerger pattern later on. X-caddis sz 14. Parachute Caddis Olive, Tan sz 14 and 16. Elk Hair Caddis Tan, Olive sz 14 and 16. Other then Caddis you should have some luck with streamers and buggers in this cloudy water. White is always a good color to start with. Drop us a line if you have questions, now get fishing!
Update as of 5pm on Wed 4/20. Muddy Water at Emigrant. We might be out of luck tomorrow!