Cool shot from our friend Dan Armstrong on Depuy’s spring creek this week. The creeks have been fishing well all spring and will continue to do so while many area rivers are blown out with spring runoff. We continue to see respectable midge hatches most days. Baetis have been good on the cloudy days. There may be a few caddis seen as well in coming weeks. The creeks don’t get the full blown Mother’s Day caddis blowup that the Yellowstone does, but they do get some bugs and enough so that an angler can do well on caddis patterns in given spots when they do come off. All 3 spring creeks rates are now at spring/early summer rates of $80/person and will be till June. Looking for a place to go if the river blowsout, think on the spring creeks. Slow down, take some time to be observant, study your quarry and try to put all the puzzle pieces together to make it happen!