There’s snow in them mountains! Yesterday reports on the Yellowstone were mixed. We heard of very good fishing above Yankee Jim Canyon and in the upper valley. Mid and low valley were not so great. Fish were being taken on mostly mayfly patterns. BWO’s, and Drakes. This was due to the cooler rainy weather we saw. Wind was a bit of an issue yesterday. Today looks to be about the same only we have some color to the water from Gardner to Livingston. This is to be expected from the Lamar and some of the other smaller Yellowstone tributaries. You will have to travel east to find good clarity. Streamers and soft hackles will also be a good option today as we see continued cloudy, rainy weather. The water doesn’t look un-fishable in this upper stretch but I wouldn’t say there is a ton of visibility. A big dark or flashy streamer could get some aggressive eats today. Things are looking to dry out and warm up a bit by this weekend. The fishing could be good but we will have to see about clarity.
Flies to use:
Parachute Adams sz 12-18
Parachute Purple Haze sz 12-18
Royal Wulff sz 10-18
Furimsky’s Foam Green Drake sz 12
Para-Wulff BWO sz 18
Zonkers, Olive, Natural sz 6-10
Bow River Buggers, Black, Olive sz 2-6
Sparkle Minnow’s sz 4-8
JJ Special 4-10
PT nymph sz 14-18
Soft Hackle PT sz 14-18
Delekta’s Big Spanker PT, Silver, Olive, Purple sz 14-18
Delekta’s Little Spanker PT, Silver, Olive sz 16-18
Prince Nymph sz 10-18
Morrish’s Super Pupa Olive, Amber sz 14-18
We will keep you updated on clarity as we see it! Drop us a line for any last minute updates 406-333-4401. Now get fishing!