Today seems to be a bit of a “pull back” sort of day. After how busy the past 3 weeks have been and how well the Yellowstone has fished overall (pretty much WOW), it only seems natural that an event such as an all day rain storm, 50 degrees, and snow in the high country might have a bit of an effect. Since the river dropped into shape and cleared in late June, the Stone has been on fire with outstanding fishing on almost all levels. We did have a few rainstorms here and there along the way that may have brought some Park mud down on us. But by and large, we have been able to either get ahead of the coming mud or slide in behind it up on the upper river. Yesterday and today’s weather may have a top to bottom “time out” effect for a couple days however. Truthfully, not always a bad situation…. We’re happy to have cool weather, precipitation (hey, it’s snowing above 7,000 feet!), and happy fish in the river.