Boat Ramp Updates

Getting around the valley a bit today, we’ve been keeping an eye on what’s usable as far as boat ramps. And what’s not. It’s early, but there’s been folks asking. So, here’s a quick rundown on where you can and where you CAN’T put-in or take out your driftboat.

Carter’s Bridge just south of Livy is fine as is Mayor’s Landing in town. Folks already floating here for a bit. But….. that’s it for a ways up the valley!
Pine Creek? Nope. Not yet, though getting there. Maybe within the week.
Mallards Rest? No. Big time ice jams along the banks
Loch? Oh God No. Even bigger ice jams!
Mill Creek Bridge? You could launch a raft, but where you gonna go? Everything downstream till somewhere past Pine Cr is ice jammed on both banks
Grey Owl? Yes, totally open and fine
Emigrant? Same. Easy Peasy
26? No problem
Point of Rocks? Yup
Carbella? Ditto

Emigrant Boat Ramp, followed by Shelf Ice at Mill Creek Bridge, Loch Leven Boat Ramp, and ice remaining at Pine Creek boat ramp

We haven’t gone above Yankee Jim but see no reason why ramps up there wouldn’t be fine. It’s really the heart of PV that gets so jammed with ice flows all winter. That, and then again down below Livy. We hear that out East, it’s a mess too. Springdale, Grey Bear, Otter, Pelican, etc that the entire river down that ways has big time ice jams on the banks and that it’ll be a bit yet before anyone can float out East…

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