As you trudge through the workweek keep your spirits high because this Saturday, May 28th is opening day for the Yellowstone National Park 2016 fishing season! With most of our freestone waters out of commission due to runoff the park will offer a variety of fishing options that will remain fishable throughout the spring and into summer. Mainly the Firehole, Madison, and Gibbon rivers will be the place to go this weekend. Water temps are hovering in the high 40’s/low 50’s. Perfect trout temps. Check out the recommended gear list below!
-Yellowstone National Park Fishing Regulations
-Yellowstone National Park Fishing License ($40-season, $25-7 day, $18-3 day. All angler’s 16 yrs of age and older need a park fishing license. Angler’s 15 yrs old and younger do not as long as they are under supervision of a licensed adult).
-Bear spray (carry it, you never know)
-Bug spray
-Fly rod (4 or 5wt)
-Fly Line (floating and sinking)
-Fly Reel with extra spool (for your sinking line)
-Leaders (9ft 4x)
-Tippet (3x, 4x, 5x,) nylon and fluorocarbon.
-Floatant (powder, gel, and liquid)
-Split Shot (must be non-lead) tungsten and tin are great alternatives
-Flies (must be barbless, patterns and bugs discussed below)
-Waders/Boots (felt recommended, clean and dry your gear now so you are not bringing in any invasive aquatics to the park waters)
-Polarized Sunglasses
-Landing Net
-Drinking Water
Bugs to bring
This time of year on the Firehole and Madison you can expect fish to be eating a few different insects and other aquatic life forms. Focus mainly on PMDs, Caddis (White Millers), and Stoneflies. Non insect foods will include: Crayfish, fry, sculpins, and worms. All of these can be imitated with flies. Remember, the Firehole, Madison, and the Gibbon (below the falls) are restricted to artificial flies only! Here are a few patterns to include in your stock for this weekend.
-Mitchell’s Split Case PMD Nymph sz 18 & 20
-Downey’s PMD Wonder Nymph sz 16 & 18
-PT nymph sz 18 and 20
-Pullover PMD Emerger sz 16 & 18
-CDC Emerger PMD sz 18
-Morrish’s May Day PMD
-Matthew’s PMD Sparkle Dun and Blue Ribbon Cripple sz 16, 18, 20
-Cripple Thor PMD sz 18 & 20
-Matthew’s Comparadun sz 18 & 20
-Kinsey’s Hi-Vis Parachute PMD sz 16 & 18
-Rusty Spinners sz 16, 18 & 20
-Harrop’s CDC Parachute Spinner sz 16, 18, 20
-Prince Nymph sz 16, 18
-Smith’s Translucent Pupa Tan, Brown sz 14 & 16
-Yeagers Soft Hackle J Hare’s Ear sz 14 & 16
-BH YFG Caddis Emerger Tan sz 16 & 18
-Delekta’s Lil Spanker Silver, sz 16, 18
-Delekta’s Squeezer Adam’s sz 16 & 18
-Adam’s Trude sz 14 & 16
-X-Caddis Tan sz 16
-Elk Hair Caddis Tan sz 16 & 18
Stoneflies (using mostly nymph patterns)
-Pat’s Rubberlegs Brown, Black sz 6, 8, 10
-RL Hare’s Ear sz 12 & 14
-Morrish’s Iron Sally Nymph sz 14, 16 & 18
-Delekta’s Mega Prince sz 6
-Tungsten 20 incher sz 12, 14
-Bitch Creek sz 4, 6, 8
-San Juan worms, Red, Brown, Wine sz 10 & 12
-Clouser Cray Tan/Turkey sz 8 & 10
-McCune’s Sculpin, Olive, Tan sz 4 & 8
-Zonker’s, Olive, White, Natural sz 6, 8, 10
We hope this helps in your planning for the park fishing opener. Let us know if you have any questions. If you want a great experience in the park we recommend hiring a guide to show you around! We have knowledgeable guides that want to take you fishing. Availability won’t last long, call today! – 406-333-4401