It’s now April and Yellowstone River fishing has been pretty darn good lately. There’s been some fish on the deep nymph rigs- slow and offspeed water with 5-7feet of depth. And there’s been some fish on streamers. I like the medium sized ones. Not the ones as big as your cousin’s springer spaniel with 4 sets of lead eyes and 2 stinger hooks trailing off the back that takes a 9 weight and Arnold Schwarzenegger to cast. Even for an hour. Yeah, right! Like that’s really the ticket…. No, I like you know, normal size streamers.Ones that even a normal person can fish. Sizes 2, 4, and the like. The Yellowstone is one of those rivers that has a lot of mottled sculpins so brown trout like sculpins. Last I looked, most were about 4-5 inches long. Shouldn’t your streamer be about the same? And, then there’s been some fish eating dry flies too. Tons of midges have been on the water most days. And some spring Blue winged olive mayflies, too. Helps to have a little cloud cover and not so much wind as has been present the past day or so.. You get the picture, right? A little warmth to the air, not so much wind, and that’s a recipe for success. AW guide Jeremy found the right combo on April Fools Day. The kid from Minnesota couldn’t have been more thrilled with his first fly caught trout. Nice way to end Spring Break!