Runoff time for the Yellowstone! We are in it now. High muddy water looks to be the river conditions for the next couple of weeks. We will keep you posted once things start to look fishy again! Fishing on the Spring Creeks has slowed a little this last week due to bright sun and hot temps. Early mornings have been best with midge adult, larva, and scud patterns. A few baetis here and there but if you don’t have clouds things can be tricky. We have heard murmurings of afternoon PMD hatches so watch for them as you enjoy the creeks! On these hot sunny days don’t be afraid to throw a very small ant or beetle pattern. It doesn’t seem right but these bugs are out and sometimes that’s what those fish want! Story Lake has been fishing well the last few days. Get your dry fly fix with good hatches of Callibaetis. Leech patterns, callibaetis nymphs, and lake midges are the way to go after the hatch. Yellowstone National Park continues to fish well throughout the last week and we expect to stay good if you know where to fish! The Firehole and Madison are still the go to’s with good hatches of White Miller Caddis and PMD’s. Adult Salmon Flies have been seen in the Firehole canyon and up on fountain flats. No word if the big adults have hit the Madison yet. If you want to avoid the crowds take a little walk to any lake off the beaten path. Throwing leach and scud patterns should do the trick! Remember, carry bear spray, don’t go alone, and pay attention to your surroundings!
Flies for the Park:
Elk Hair Caddis sz 14-18
X-2 Caddis sz 16-18
Goddard Caddis sz 14-18
Translucent Caddis sz 14-18
Sparkle Pupa sz 14-18
Mangy Caddis sz 14-18
HiViz Adams sz 14-18
Sparkle Dun PMD sz 16, 18
PMD Cripple sz 16, 18
Purple Haze sz 14-18
Split case PMD sz 16-18
Pheasant Tail sz 14-18
Prince Nymph sz 14-18
Chubby Chernobyl black sz 8-12
Pheasant tail Softhackle sz 14-18
Pats Rubber Legs sz 6-10
Tungsten Golden Stone sz 8-12
20 Incher Stone sz 8-12
Wooly Buggers sz 6-12
Slumpbusters sz 6-10
Zonkers sz 4-8
Flies for the Spring Creeks:
Zebra Midge sz 18-20 Black or Red
Skinny Nelson sz 20
RS2 olive sz 20
Mercer’s Micro Mayfly nymph sz 18 Olive
UV2 Mayfly Nymph sz 18-22
Rainbow, Tan, Olive, Gray Scuds sz 14-18
Parachute Adams sz 18, 20
Parachute BWO sz 18, 20
Brook’s Sprout Midge, olive, black sz 18, 20
Loop Wing Emerger, BWO sz 18, 20
PT nymph sz 18, 20
Split back PMD nymph sz 18
CDC flying ant, red, black sz 18, 20
Stop by the shop or drop us a line at (406)-333-4401 for all the latest scoop. Now get fishing!