Yellowstone River Fishing Report July 20th, 2019
The river is still fishing well throughout the system. Different stretches offer different types of fishing as most of you know. Starting up top, above Yankee Jim Canyon, there are still lots of bugs out. If you are looking to fish dries for the day this is you section. Yellow Sallies, Caddis, some Green Drakes, and occasional Golden Stones have been out. Look for those deep back water pools with structure and drift a good presentation for lazy Cutthroat to chase. Definitely can’t go wrong with a larger dry fly up top trailed by a smaller dry or nymph sub surface. Anglers have been having success on #12-14 stimulators, #12-14 Purple/Copper Haze, and medium sized Chubby Chernobyl variations. Drop a #12 Prince Nymph, Caddis emerger or #12-14 Pheasant Tail underneath.
The mid river section has seen the most pressure throughout the week but is continuing to fish well. Most anglers have been fishing bobber rigs in the morning time and then transitioning over to a dry dropper set up for the afternoon. Caddis have been coming off pretty thick in the late morning and into the afternoon. Look for clouds of Caddis in and around the willows on the banks. Pat’s Rubber Legs, Prince Nymphs, Pheasant Tail, Lil Spankers, and Caddis Pupae have been working well throughout this section. Certainly do not shy away from fishing bigger bugs up top with a nymph dropper sub surface.
East of town is beginning to fish as well. Nocturnal Stones have been seen on the river and we have heard good things about fishing big dry flies. Nymphing has been successful as well, but we suggest putting the bobber away and getting those trout to eat on top! Try bugs like Chernobyl Bugs, Water Walkers, and Chubby Chernobyl’s to bring those trout out of the depths. Pat’s rubber legs in light colors have been working as a dropper down there as well.
We hope that everyone is able to get out and enjoy the nice weather and fishing conditions while they can. With more and more pressure on the river, please be sure to practice proper river etiquette. Please be respectful on boat ramps and make sure rigging is done before you are ready to back down the ramp. Additionally, when on the water, give other boats space and respect one another out there. We all have plenty of river to share!