That’s right, terrestrial time! Here in the Yellowstone Valley and up into Yellowstone National Park the terrestrials have been the flies to fish. Small hoppers, ants, and beetles will do the trick on most rivers and streams where you see these bugs present. The tan hoppers sizes 10-14 have been working best on the Yellowstone River. The Spruce Moth is another terrestrial sometimes overlooked that can get fish to rise this time of year. The trick is finding where the fish are. We haven’t been fishing the banks at all. Most fish have been taken in deeper or faster moving […]
Read MorePeople ask, “Why can you fish the Chubby Chernobyl a majority of the summer and have success on it?” Our answer is this picture right here. Long after the Goldens, Salmon flies, and Sallies are gone, this guy (yes this is a male, although he is missing his rear end) appear at the end of July to give us good dry fly action on big Stone fly imitations. The Nocturnal Stone (Claassenia Sabulosa) is a species of Golden Stone that not only is big in size but can also get big fish to come eat. As the name states, this […]
Read MoreWe knew it had to be coming….. And that mud from the Park has finally shown. With the strength of the weather systems we were faced with yesterday, we may have a couple days of this. Today’s photo is from the Flying Pig Adventure Company’s back deck overlooking the river right in Gardiner. The Upper Yellowstone web cam is picking this up as well. So the mud is heading to the Yankee Jim canyon area here pretty quick. Anglers can still likely fish from around here in Emigrant and downstream (North) for today. However, by tomorrow this mud will be […]
Read MoreDespite the Booming thunderstorm that hit the upper valley area yesterday, the Yellowstone remains in plenty fishable shape today. Had report from Gardiner first thing this morning- before I even had morning coffee- that things looked A-OK up top. No mud in sight. Upon getting to the shop, I took a drive up the valley myself to take a peek. Crossing the Emigrant bridge after getting said cup o’ Joe from the Bakery behind our shop (I was tempted with one helluva Cinnamon roll but declined), first look was that there is a touch of green to the river. On […]
Read MoreIt has been a week of trial, error, and success out there on the Yellowstone River. We have had a few mud plugs to fish around last week but the water is looking great today. Water temps are in the mid 60’s and it looks as if the water will hold in the mid to upper 60’s until the end of the week. The hopper season has started but the fishing on it has been hit or miss. The key this year with the lower water will be to know when and where to fish it. Look for water that […]
Read MoreThe rain and cooler temperatures last week really had a positive effect on the Yellowstone river. Yes we did have a week trying to find fish-able water in-between sections of mud but things are looking even better for the future. Water temps near Livingston are hovering around 63 degrees today which means the upper river is a little cooler. We are starting to see better clarity and even green water above Yankee Jim Canyon. Yellow Sallies, Caddis, and Pale Evening Duns are still around and fish will be eating them. The Chubby Chernobyl with a Rubberleg dropper has also been […]
Read MoreHope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July! Why not kick off the month with a good old 65 mile mud plug? Well unfortunately that is what we are seeing today as we look out on to the river. The rain yesterday bumped flows on the Gardner and the Yellowstone is unfishable from Gardner to Livingston. Many angler’s were heading east of town to get ahead of it. Before that plug, the river was fishing very well but you had to be on the water early to beat the heat. Caddis and Yellow Sallies are still around in […]
Read MoreThe Yellowstone is still fishing very well as we are seeing a lot of bugs out on the river. To name a few, Salmon Flies (In and above Yankee Jim Canyon), Yellow Sallies, Golden Stones, Caddis, PMD’s, and Green Drakes. The Yellow Sallies, Golden’s and Caddis, span the entire valley and imitations of these bugs will get fish to rise and eat on top. The PMD’s and Green Drakes are around but you will find dense concentrations of them if you are lucky enough to get some cloud cover. Keep the dry’s in the box just in case. Fishing nymph […]
Read MoreThe Yellowstone has been dropping into shape the last few days. The Water is green and it looks very good. We had a little mud plug yesterday due to some rain in the park but it is clear of the valley now. The big Salmon flies have been spotted by the 26 mile boat launch. Fish are eating the big drys close to the banks. Your flies need to be ON the bank. The closer you can get to the willows, the better. Expecting the bugs to move up-stream as the water warms. We have been seeing lots of Caddis […]
Read MoreStill waiting on the Yellowstone. Flows are staying consistent in the 8000-9000 cfs range at Corwin Springs above Yankee Jim Canyon. Flows are even higher in the valley and towards Livingston. Clarity is very poor. The smaller tributaries are clearing each day and may drop into shape soon. We will keep an eye out for you! Heading into Yellowstone National Park? The fishing has been very good lately. Things are looking even better for the future. Water temps are in the low 70’s today on the Firehole. The area saw some cooler weather and some rain the last few days […]
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